Pertanyaan klasik para ibu saat anaknya terkena cacar air, juga pertanyaan yang sama yang ditanyakan oleh ibuku saat melihat anaknya yang terkena cacar air mau masak air hangat untuk mandi, "lho emang boleh mandi ya?"
Penderita cacar air dianjurkan untuk mandi untuk menjaga higienisitas kulitnya. Supaya gelembung-gelembung tersebut tidak terinfeski oleh bakteri. ciri-ciri gelembung yang terinfeksi,yakni dasarnya mulai eritrem, cairan jernihnya berisi nanah. Bekas pecahan gelembung tersebut pun harus kita rawat dengan mengoleskan salep antibakteri supaya tidak terifeksi. Karena infeksi sekunder oleh bakteri akan meninggalkan jejak parut yang berbekas.
Taburkan bedak juga untuk melicinkan kulit agar gelembung-gelembung yang masih utuh tidak pecah.
Senin, 01 November 2010
Sup Chicken Pox (2): haruskah saya minum antivirus?
Pada anak-anak biasanya prognosisnya baik, sehingga tidak diperlukan antivirus. Justru pada dewasalah penyakit ini manisfestasinya lebih banyak menimbulkan penyulit, bisa berupa pneumonia dan ensefalitis. (Pada diriku manifestasi nyerinya lebih nyata. Terasa pegal da nyeri terutama pada tempat vesikel pecah.) Sehingga untuk pasien diatas 12 tahun dan yang memiliki gangguan imunitas (imunocompromised) dianjurkan diberikan antivirus seperti acyclovir atau valacyclovir per oral.
Selebih daripada itu penatalakasanaan varicella sebenarnya hanyalah simptomatik, khas penyakit virus. Dengan mengkonsumsi obat-obatan yang meringankan gejala. Jika panas dianjurkan untuk diberikan obat panas seperti parasetamol. Hindari penggunaan aspirin pada anak-anak karena bisa menyebabkan sindroma reye. Untuk batuk pilek diberikan obat sesuai gejalanya.
untuk mengatasi gatal dianjurkan menggunakan antihistamin per oral, jangan calamin lotion. Namun pada praktek sehari-hari biasanya saya menganjurkan menggunakan bedak salisil, yang akan meringankan gatal, sekaligus membantu melicinkan kulit sehingga vesikel tersebut tidak mudah pecah.
Pemberian salep antivirus berdasarkan teoritis tidak memberikan hasil yang memuaskan.Sehingga pasien kita bekali dengan salep antibiotik saja, yang dioleskan pada bekas gelembung yang pecah atau gelembung yang cairannya sudah berubah menjadi nanah.
Selebih daripada itu penatalakasanaan varicella sebenarnya hanyalah simptomatik, khas penyakit virus. Dengan mengkonsumsi obat-obatan yang meringankan gejala. Jika panas dianjurkan untuk diberikan obat panas seperti parasetamol. Hindari penggunaan aspirin pada anak-anak karena bisa menyebabkan sindroma reye. Untuk batuk pilek diberikan obat sesuai gejalanya.
untuk mengatasi gatal dianjurkan menggunakan antihistamin per oral, jangan calamin lotion. Namun pada praktek sehari-hari biasanya saya menganjurkan menggunakan bedak salisil, yang akan meringankan gatal, sekaligus membantu melicinkan kulit sehingga vesikel tersebut tidak mudah pecah.
Pemberian salep antivirus berdasarkan teoritis tidak memberikan hasil yang memuaskan.Sehingga pasien kita bekali dengan salep antibiotik saja, yang dioleskan pada bekas gelembung yang pecah atau gelembung yang cairannya sudah berubah menjadi nanah.
Chicken Pox: Petok petok tok tok tok
Setelah sekian lama menghindar, akhirnya aku kena juga cacar air. Dahulu saat koas, sudah terdengar selentingan barang siapa belum kena cacar, biasanya seudah stase anak pasti kena... namun syukurlah diriku tidak. Sekarang sebagai dokter tentu saja aku bertemu dengan pasien cacar air, berhubung khas dan tipikal penyakit kulit yang bisa diterawang dari jauh... aku pun segera menulis resep, sambil menahan nafas, segera mempersilakan pasien anak tersebut untuk segera beranjak.
Ya demikianlah diriku, sekarang sudah terkena cacar air. Terpaksa dan dipaksa untuk istirahat, bukan karena berat tapi aku menyadari diriku infeksius, terutama bagi pasien pediatrik. Tinggal merencanakan liburn 10 hari ini supaya bermanfaat, bukan hanya hardolin saja,hahahah.
Ya demikianlah diriku, sekarang sudah terkena cacar air. Terpaksa dan dipaksa untuk istirahat, bukan karena berat tapi aku menyadari diriku infeksius, terutama bagi pasien pediatrik. Tinggal merencanakan liburn 10 hari ini supaya bermanfaat, bukan hanya hardolin saja,hahahah.
Jumat, 03 September 2010
Eyes Care 20-20-20
Nice suggestion for u who often work in front of computer...
Every 20 minutes in front of ur computer....
Take 20 seconds to rest ur eyes...
by seeing moving object at least 20 feet
Simple Things can be done to relax ur strained eyes, have a nice try!
Taken from Femina Magazine Sept 2010
Taken from Femina Magazine Sept 2010
Sabtu, 28 Agustus 2010
Coffee as a Pre-Workout Boost: Right or Wrong?
There's a good reason why caffeine is the most popular drug in the world. Not only does it give you a mental lift, there are also plenty of studies to show that it can improve exercise performance.
However, don't make the mistake of assuming that the effects of caffeine always extend to caffeinated drinks such as coffee.
In fact, there is evidence to show that coffee doesn't give you the same pre-workout performance boost as caffeine.
In a study carried out at the University of Guelph, researchers attempted to distinguish between the effects of caffeine taken as a capsule or in the form of coffee [1].
For the study, nine subjects (actively training endurance runners) completed five trials in which they ran "to voluntary exhaustion" on a treadmill.
Roughly 60 minutes before each trial, they were given one of the following:
- Placebo (dextrose) capsules with water
- Caffeine capsules with water
- Regular coffee
- Decaffeinated coffee
- Decaffeinated coffee plus caffeine
All of the "caffeine" trials (coffee or capsule) resulted in the ingestion of 4.45 milligrams of caffeine per kilogram of bodyweight (e.g. a subject weighing 70 kilograms would have been given 312 milligrams of caffeine). Each subject was tested at the same time of day, and there was at least one week between each trial.
Interestingly, the researchers found no differences in run time among the three trials in which coffee was ingested. The results were no different from the placebo trial.
In sharp contrast, six of the nine subjects had their longest run after taking the caffeine capsules, increasing their run time to exhaustion by approximately 10 minutes.
The average endurance time for the five trials is shown in the figure below. The increased endurance time after they were given caffeine capsules meant that subjects were able to run an extra 2-3 kilometers (1.2-1.9 miles) on the treadmill.

Why did caffeine but not coffee improve endurance performance?
Well, it wasn't because coffee somehow slowed the absorption of caffeine. When the subjects were given either of the caffeinated coffee solutions or the caffeine capsules, caffeine levels in the blood were very similar.
Instead, the researchers think that something in the coffee interferes with the performance enhancing effects of caffeine...
The caffeine was consumed in the same volume of coffee or water in the same period of time. It resulted in very similar plasma concentrations of plasma methylxanthines, but only when it was consumed independent of coffee was there an enhancement of endurance. Thus it appears that some component(s) in coffee interferes with the normal ergogenic response of caffeine. |
When coffee beans are roasted, ground, and extracted in hot water, there are literally hundreds of other compounds dissolved along with caffeine. These include nicotinic acid, opiate-receptor antagonists, and cholinomimetics. And it appears that one or more of these compounds somehow "antagonizes" the effects of caffeine.
For example, a study in 1992 showed that when an "unidentified cholinomimetic compound" found in both decaffeinated and regular coffee was injected into rats, it led to an "abrupt depression" in both heart rate and blood pressure, whereas caffeine has the opposite effect [2].
In short, if you want to benefit from the performance-enhancing benefits of caffeine, you're better off using pure caffeine rather than drinking coffee.
About The Author
Christian Finn holds a master's degree in exercise science, is a certified personal trainer and has been featured on BBC TV and radio, as well as in Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Muscle & Fitness, Fit Pro, Zest and other popular fitness magazines.

Jumat, 27 Agustus 2010
Topical Antibiotic Preparation
There are several antibiotics topical preparations can be choosen:
1. Fusidic acid
2. Mupirocin
3. Gentamycin
4. Neomycin
5. Chloramphenicol
6. Tetracycline
7. Silver sulfadiazine
8. Erithromycin
9. Nadifloxacin
Fusidic acid and mupirocin: more for gram +
gentamycin and neomycin: more for gram -
chloramphenicol and tetracycline: older version, broad spectrum
Silver Sulfadiazine: for combustio /burning wounds
Preparation of deramtologic: lotion and cream
Rabu, 25 Agustus 2010
this blog is created because of my friends suggestion after seeing my first blog, that really similar like salad,miscellaneous articles put into one bowl. so after long time considering that, i make the second blog, special for medical issue. hope this blogs can be useful not only for medical student, colleges, and community. but for community, please note that this blogs not for changing doctor consultation and examination. i encourage any patient in community to see any further help from their local doctors. viva medicinus, pray for all human in the world keep healthy always... enjoy your reading
Dokter cabe aka Chilli Doctor
~as hot as real chilli~
Dokter cabe aka Chilli Doctor
~as hot as real chilli~
When stopping tuberculosis treatment in paediatric patient?
Treating paediatric patient isnt easy,when to start and when to stop. usually physicians rely on xray to stop or continue treatment after 6 months. but must be noted that after 6 months taking multiple drugs for tuberculosis, improvement in chest x ray not as fast as we hope. based on tuberculosis handbook guide that printed by health ministry of indonesia, written that stopping tuberculosis treatment should be based on clinical improvement of patient symptoms during treatment, nor X-ray neither acid fast bacilli staining <because in children hard to spit sputum easily and bronchial lavage is quite invasive and uncomfort for patient>. if after 6 months treatment, there is prominent clinical improvement, all treatment should be stopped without any additional treatment.
Pedoman Nasional Tuberkulosis halaman 26 edisi 2, cetakan pertama, Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia
Pedoman Nasional Tuberkulosis halaman 26 edisi 2, cetakan pertama, Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia
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